8 Best Practices for Cleaning in Residential Aged Care

Maintaining a clean and sanitized environment is crucial in residential aged care facilities to ensure the well-being of elderly residents and prevent the spread of infections. Aged care cleanliness involve incontinence and spill issues, as well as the ongoing concern of cross contamination. Cleaning staff in aged care and healthcare centers play a pivotal role in upholding the highest standards of cleanliness.

Best Practices for Cleaning in Residential Aged Care

1. Regular Training and Education:

Continuous training and education are essential for nurses and aged care workers to stay updated on the latest cleaning protocols and techniques. This includes understanding the importance of infection prevention and control measures. Sites like My Aged Care Courses provide training for aged care workers of all levels.

2. Adherence to Infection Control Guidelines:

Follow the guidelines provided by health authorities and the facility’s infection control policies. This includes proper hand hygiene, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), and maintaining a clean and sanitized environment. This recent guide by the Department of Health and Aged Care provides recommendations on how to best keep aged care and healthcare centers clean.

3. Scheduled Cleaning Routines:

Establish a regular cleaning schedule to ensure that all areas of the facility are consistently cleaned. Focus on high-touch surfaces, shared spaces, and resident rooms. Increased cleaning may be required for patients, residents and clients who may have recently contracted COVID-19 or are at high risk.

4. Use of Appropriate Cleaning Agents:

Choose cleaning agents that are effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens but are also safe for elderly residents. Avoid harsh chemicals that may cause respiratory issues or skin sensitivities. Ensure that cleaning agents are never mixed as chemical reactions can occur and potentially harm cleaning staff, patients, residents and clients.

5. Proper Waste Disposal:

Dispose of waste, especially biohazardous materials, in accordance with regulations. Use designated bins for different types of waste and ensure that waste disposal areas are regularly cleaned and sanitized.

6. Laundry Hygiene:

Pay special attention to laundry protocols, including the proper handling and washing of bed linens, clothing, and personal items. Ensure that laundry facilities are clean and well-maintained.

7. Collaboration with Environmental Services:

Work closely with environmental services to address any maintenance issues promptly. This includes repairing leaks, fixing broken equipment, and ensuring that ventilation systems are functioning correctly.

8. Communication with Residents:

Communicate with residents about the cleaning schedule and any temporary disruptions. Address concerns and encourage residents to notify staff if they notice any cleanliness issues.

BST Health Cleaning and Sanitization Supplies

To assist cleaning staff and aged care workers in maintaining a pristine environment, BST Health offers a range of high-quality cleaning and sanitization supplies. These products are specifically designed for healthcare settings, ensuring the safety and well-being of both residents and staff.

Hand Sanitisers:

BST Health provides medical-grade hand sanitizers that effectively eliminate germs without causing skin irritation. These sanitisers are essential for maintaining proper hand hygiene among staff, residents, and visitors.

Shop Hand Sanitisers At BST Health

Biohazard Waste Disposal Bags:

Proper disposal of biohazardous waste is critical in preventing the spread of infections. BST Health’s biohazard waste disposal bins are designed to meet healthcare standards, ensuring safe and secure containment of hazardous materials.

Shop Biohazard Waste Disposal Bags At BST Health

Surface Disinfectants:

Choose from BST Health’s range of surface disinfectants that are effective against a wide array of pathogens. These disinfectants are suitable for use on various surfaces in resident rooms, common areas, and medical equipment.

Shop Surface Disinfectants At BST Health

Cleaning Tools:

Explore BST Health’s selection of cleaning tools, including mop heads, brushes, and wipes, designed for durability and effectiveness. These tools make it easier for nurses and aged care workers to maintain a clean and sanitized environment.

Shop Cleaning Tools At BST Health

In residential aged care, cleanliness is not just a matter of aesthetics; it directly impacts the health and well-being of the elderly residents. By following best practices and utilizing high-quality cleaning and sanitization supplies from BST Health, nurses and aged care workers can contribute to creating a safe and comfortable living environment for residents. Regular training, adherence to guidelines, and collaboration with reliable suppliers are key steps in achieving and maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness in residential aged care settings.
